At Ferrer Asociados we have a pro bono department that will help you manage your moratorium on the mortgage payment of your habitual residence, due to the Covid-19, if your circumstances do not allow you to have legal assistance.
Shareholders’ agreements
A sample of some shareholders’ agreement we can draft for you at
Ferrer Asociados Département de Droit Immobilier
Ferrer Asociados est un cabinet multidisciplinaire, formé d’avocats et de conseillers fiscaux, qui se consacre à la pratique du droit et au conseil en matière fiscale, comptable et du travail
Thank you for joining us at our conference about non resident tax
Thank you very much for joining us at our conference last Thursday about non resident tax obligations.
We hope you found it interesting and we wish to meet you in our next event.
Conference about non resident tax obligations 20 06 2019
We are holding a conference about non residents tax obligations on June, 20th, in Parador Javea. If you want to attend, please let us know by calling 965754402. We hope you meet you there!
Video presentation firm Ferrer Asociados
Forced extension in housing leases
In this video we explain some questions about the lease of housing, about the possibility of forced extension. Specifically, we explain that it should be addressed to the purpose of the lease, and not so much to the duration that was agreed for it.
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